How The Title Loan Process Works

Car Title Loans Are Similar To Other Loans But Without Many Of The Common Hassles?

A title loan is kind of a hybrid of going to a pawnshop and going to the bank for a loan. Like a bank there is still a little bit of paperwork to complete and you still have to prove you have some sort of an income or some other means of paying the loan back (believe it or not title loan lenders do not want to have to take your vehicle) but unlike going to a bank your credit has very little to do with getting a loan approval.

Also, unlike going to a pawn shop you don't have to leave your car while paying the loan back. The lender simply takes your vehicle title and places a lien against it with the state. Once you have paid your loan off the lien is removed and your title is mailed back to you.

How do you start the process of getting your car title loan?

The easiest way is for you to fill out the online form on our site. You'll provide some basic information such as your name and contact information on the provided web form. When your application is received your assigned representative will contact you to discuss your loan options.

We will work with you to determine the best program based on the your personal needs. This will include the loan interest rate and the duration and term (how many months you have to repay the loan) of the loan that works best for you. If you are interested and would like to continue your assigned agent will stay in contact with you until you have either told us that you no longer want/need the loan or that you have received your cash and are happy with the result.

One of the things the representative will assist you with is getting your paperwork together. This will be things like a copy of your driver's license, a utility bill, proof of insurance and photos of the vehicle. You can usually email or send copies by text to make the process go faster.

Once you applicatioin has been fully processed you will need to sign a loan agreement. They will also verify the condition of your car and odometer readings. At this time the lender will be placed as a lien holder on the title until the auto title loan is paid off.

Item's You'll Need

  • You will need a car, truck, van or SUV to use as collateral. We can even do loans on RVs, motorcycles and commercial vehicles.
  • You will need a driver's license or some other form of identification
  • You will need proof that your auto is insured.
  • You will also need some proof of income or other types of earnings.

Get Your Auto Title Loans Now

Getting the cash you need when you need it the most can sometimes be difficult. Our title loan agents help people just like you get the cash they need every day with car title loans.

Los Angeles Title Loans

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Or Call (323)849-4300

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